

For 2025 we will only have new litterplans when we achieve a waitinglist with fitting families for an Immermoed puppy. A Rhodesian Ridgeback is not for everyone and you have to commit yourself to first years of hard work and dedication.

Previous Litters

C-Litter: Colours of the Heart 2024

06-02-2024: 14 puppies (7-7)

B-Litter: Born a Viking 2022

25-05-2022: 11 puppies (6-5)

A-Litter: A Queen Tribute 2020

14-08-2020: 13 puppies (4-9)


Ringo is no more available for suiting females following same code of ethics as prescribed by RRCN or their own kennelclub. For Dutch females this means: official hip- and elbowdysplasia tests, JME-test and a minimum of 2x excellent judgereport at an CAC/CACIB dogshow. More information about him on his own page: Apollon - Ringo -